Industrial Lighting
Our wide range of high quality LED high bay lighting fixtures made by today’s leading vendors are ideal for numerous applications with a ceiling height ranging from 15 to 40 feet.
Unsure how many fixtures you need? Or want to see the savings to switch out your existing fixtures for high lumen, low energy fixtures? Click the link below to get help from one of our Industrial Lighting Specialist

Commercial Lighting
We have a secret. We absolutely love commercial lighting projects. There is a creative element needed for each project to find lighting that is unique and expressive.
Our team of lighting specialists have experience within the commercial lighting market. When trends and technology change quickly, our specialists stay current and up to date which is imperative when planning an impactful commercial lighting project.
Contact us today and let us help with your commercial project.
Residential Lighting
Lighting serves an imperative function, we need it to see. But it also plays a vital role in its form and the environment it creates. A supermarket with dingy lighting communicates seedy options and lower quality; a restaurant with fluorescent lighting vs. candlelight is a cafeteria vs. fine dining. Lighting creates and defines ambiance, and the same is true in your home.
We find most of our customers pick lighitng at the end of the build. They have already made decisions about flooring, cabnitry, windows, paint colour… you name it. So when they get to lightingmost people are either done making decisions or out of money (and sometime both).
We’re here to help. Book an appointment with our Residential Lighting Specialist by clicking the link below. And don’t forget to click and download our Free “7 Lighting Concerns To Consider” pdf if you are building and need to pick out lighting.